“You never know the worth of water till the well is dry”  Thomas fuller



In villages across Africa, females are responsible for daily chores, including gathering water for their families. This task often requires a long, sometimes dangerous journey with buckets and cans in hand or on the head and may mean sacrificing other important things, such as education. Time gathering water means, time lost for studying and keeping up with school a reality that severely limits opportunities for girls to learn and cultivate a better future. With your every purchase, you give back to local charities that are building affordable yet sustainable community-owned water wells in rural Africa.

Let's join hands and support the vision for universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water set out by the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Project overview: Information provided by our partner

Project Type: Drilled Well

Estimated People Served: 250

What is drilled well?

A professional team uses a drilling rig to tap into an underground aquifer, then caps the well with a hand or foot pump. These deep wells typically supply more water than hand-dug wells, but the projects are more expensive as they require heavy equipment, fuel, and larger teams of skilled technicians!

The Community Engagement Phase

Our local partner will form and train a local Water and Sanitation Committee on best sanitation (use of latrines), hygienic practices, safe water storage, and water point management. These efforts instill a sense of ownership and responsibility for the project.

Project Timeline

Minimum of a year, we will share the exact details of the project with you once it’s completed